
시드니에서 살며 사랑하며 배우며,

스터디 투어 시드니

호주 유학 컨설팅

Sydney-based Qualified Education Agent &
Tourism Australia Aussie Specialist

Our Consulting Services

초,중,고 호주학교 입학대행

School Admission Application

“Living and studying in Australia develops students as global citizens, enabling them to live and work anywhere in the world. Primary and High schools in Australia offer academic excellence in a safe, friendly and welcoming environment.”

– International Student Program

– Temporary Resident Program

영어 연수, 입시 영어, 하이스쿨 준비반 등록

English Pathway and High School Preparation

No matter what level of English you are at, you can choose and start an English course that suits your purpose.”

– General English


– Cambridge Exam Preparation

– Academic English Pathway (Direct Entry to College, TAFE & University)

– Incentive English Centre for NSW Public High School

– High School Preparation English Course

– Primary School Preparation English Course

대학 입학, 칼리지 입학, 자격증 코스 입학원서

University, TAFE and College Application

“Every student has a unique need, that’s why we tailor learning models to suit you. We can help your enrolment successfully and prepare a student visa application on behalf of you.”

– Group of 8 Australia University & Foundation Courses

– Skilled Immigration Accredited University Studies

– Professional Year Program (AccountingITEngineering)

– TAFE NSW International Courses

– Business & Marketing

– Aged Care

– Child Care

– Commercial Cookery

– Hotel Management


방학 프로그램, 스터디 투어캠프 진행

Family Holidays, Study Tour Programs

“We are Sydney-based Aussie Specialists who have been trained from Tourism Australia and travelled throughout Australia. We have over 10 years of experience to plan and book every detail of Australian adventure.”

– Booking for Australian Tours, Attractions & Activities

– Booking for New Zealand Tours

– Grayline Day Tours

– Tourism Australia Korean Information

학생비자 신청대행, 유학생 가디언 서비스

Student Visa, International Student Guardian Services

“One-stop enrolment service from your choice of study applied to a student visa lodgment. We prepare and submit your student visa application to the Department of Home Affairs online portal.”

– Covid-19 & the border updates

– Student visa

– Student Guardian visa

– Working Holiday visa

– Temporary Graduate visa

– Skilled Independent visa 

컨설팅 신청폼 작성하기

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Consulting form

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더 궁금한 호주 교육 이야기를 블로그를 통해 만나 보세요!

What’s happening, exam resources, scholarships, event info, school tours, open days, internships, exchange studies, career pathways, post-study works, migration pathways and more…

호주 교육 뉴스

시드니 학교생활 & 교육과정

슬기로운 호주유학 생활

스쿨 홀리데이 가족 여행지

호주 노인복지 & 장애인 복지제도 NDIS

호주 비자